About UHC Forward

About UHC Forward

UHC Forward is an online platform that helps people interested in universal health coverage (UHC) keep track of what is happening in countries around the world by serving as a platform for sharing experiences and best practices. It also facilitates the exchange of knowledge. UHC Forward gives users access to hundreds of publications and reports, comparative case studies of country reform efforts, regular articles from global health experts that explore key issues and policy debates related to UHC and the opportunity to exchange ideas with others by submitting blogs or articles.

Contribute to the Blog

UHC Forward aims to equip a diverse global audience with information to better understand the global movement toward UHC. They can draw on the experiences of others, as well as the results of existing research. This can help practitioners and policymakers explore a range of options and identify potential solutions suitable to be replicated in their context. In addition, this web portal will also be of interest to researchers and staff of international organizations active in this area to present the outcomes of their work and learn about successful activities at the local level.

If you are engaged in UHC-related work and would like to contribute to UHC Forward, please email us at [email protected]. Tips for writing a blog can be found here.

Join Our Mailing Lists

Our blog has two accompanying newsletters that have been sent out monthly and weekly since early 2012. Our team selects articles on UHC reforms in low- and middle income countries and circulates them to interested people. We have over 1,500 readers from around the globe. Sign up for our weekly or monthly newsletter below:

Follow us on Twitter at @UHCForward or join our Facebook community. You can submit articles you find relevant for the newsletter directly to us at [email protected] or by adding #UHCForward in your tweet.

UHC Forward is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and powered by the Results for Development Institute. Guided by a distinguished Panel of Advisors, UHC Forward aims to motivate and facilitate increased global knowledge and discussion of universal coverage.

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